Welcome to Alpha Phi at Rensselaer!
A Letter From Our Chapter President
Welcome to the Theta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi!
I am incredibly excited to be the chapter president of such a genuine, welcoming, fun, passionate, and empowering group of women. In the Theta Tau chapter we encourage each other to be the best version of ourselves everyday. Joining Alpha Phi has provided me with so many memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. I'm so grateful to be able to call the women of Alpha Phi my sisters.
Everyday our chapter strives to withhold Alpha Phi’s high ideals of character, innovation, generosity and sisterhood. Sisters find their home away from home in our chapter full of love, support, and encouragement. From attending sisterhood events, to group coffee dates, and studying together in our house, we are bonded by our fun loving sisterhood. Coming home to sisters everyday is a unique heart warming experience that I don’t know what I would do without.
In addition to the amazing things we do within the chapter we focus on bettering the community up around us. From philanthropy events, such as our Red Dress Gala to volunteering at the local humane society and food pantry, we are always eager to give back. We are also proud of our great deal of sisterly involvement in school clubs, athletics, government and more. Our chapter has such an appreciated diversity but we all share the common bond of love for Alpha Phi.
I invite you to explore our website and Instagram to learn more about Alpha Phi at RPI and see some of what makes our chapter so special!!
Love & AOE,
Emma McSweeney
Emma McSweeney
Theta Tau Chapter President